A dedicated team of Quality Assurance professionals and our Quality Control Lab ensure that every bottle of Dhamays® water surpasses the most stringent quality standards.

Koox u heellan xirfadlayaal Hubinta Tayada iyo Shaybaarkeena Xakamaynta Tayada ayaa hubiya in dhalo kasta oo biyaha Dhamays® ay ka sareysaa heerarka tayada ugu adag.

.Checking the quality of drinking water - a mandatory thing for everyone, but it is especially important for those who live in industrial areas and cities. Moreover, the evaluation of the quality of water, or at least an understanding that something is wrong with water, can easily come at home. You can evaluate the quality of drinking water, guided only by common sense and sense organs before going to the laboratory to determine water .quality

Hubinta tayada biyaha la cabo - waa wax qof walba ku qasbay, laakiin waxay si gaar ah muhiim ugu tahay kuwa ku nool aagagga warshadaha iyo magaalooyinka. Intaa waxaa dheer, qiimeynta tayada biyaha, ama ugu yaraan fahamka in wax qaldan yihiin biyaha, si fudud ayey guriga kugu imaan karaan. Waad qiimeyn kartaa tayada biyaha la cabbo.


Quality is certified and confirmed by:

- Hygienic conclusion of Ministry of Health;

- Certificates of quality;

- Minutes of the regular water research, conducted by sanitary and epidemiological station;

- International ISO 22000 and HACCP.

The high quality of the water we provide, implementing a quality management system, certified according to international standard ISO 9001. In July 2012, we have been audited, and received the international ISO 22000 and HACCP.

For the Best If Used By Date, locate a stamp on your bottle just above the label. Please see the example left side.

Sida ugu fiican haddii loo isticmaalo Taarikhda, ku qor shaambad dhalada ku kor taal sumadda korkeeda. Fadlan fiiri tusaalaha dhinaca bidix.


For questions about the source and quality of our water,
please contact our Consumer Affairs team at (907793561) (0667793561)


Su'aalaha ku saabsan wax sosarka iyo tayada biyahayaga, fadlan kala xiriir kooxdayada Macaamiisha arrimaha (907793561) (0667793561).







Puntland quality control . It allows to ensure the customer  high quality and safety of the product. With its introduction measures have been developed to prevent all possible risks and to ensure guaranteed high quality and safety of our water. For our customers, this means that the water quality is monitored at each stage, and therefore it is safe and recommended for daily use to adults and children.

Bottles water 500ml packing 40

  • Bottles 800ml 24 packing 
  • Bottles 1.5 12 packing 
  • Tube ice 25kg
  • Tube ice 50kg